The annual Fanwood Easter Egg Hunt attracted hundreds of residents, children, families and friends under a blue sky and beautiful spring weather. Forest Road Park was ground zero for the mad dash to find eggs filled with candy and prizes, more than 1700 of them. Contests included jellybean counting and chocolate egg counting. And of course, no Easter Egg hunt would be complete without the Easter Bunny.
The playground was divided by age into five different egg hunt areas. When the ribbon was cut, the entire hunt lasted less than one minute as children scrambled to fill their baskets with as many eggs as possible. Each egg contained candy or a prize. The hundreds of plastic eggs were filled by Recreation Commission volunteers.
The annual event is a production of the Fanwood Recreation Commission, volunteers dedicated to creating programs and fun for young and old alike, and Recreation Director Bob Budiansky who acted as master of ceremonies. Recreation Commissioner Bruce Zakarin manned the “Bunny Chute” which dispensed candy into the waiting baskets of the kids. Various Commissioners and volunteers, including some local Boy Scouts, assisted every step of the way.
Mayor Colleen Mahr and Councilwomen Erin McElroy Barker and Trisha Walsh assisted at the prize tables. Fanwood Police and the Rescue Squad were on hand as was our Public Works Department.